Saturday, February 11, 2017
How to speed up your Computer and clean it from all the Malwares Spywares Ransomwares and Adwares
How to speed up your Computer and clean it from all the Malwares Spywares Ransomwares and Adwares
Speed up or tune up a slow computer
Why does a computer run slow?
A computer may run slow because of Two reasons, Hardware or Software.
Hardwares which cause slow performance issue are RAM(Random Access Memory- Physical Memory Stick ), Processor, Bad or Malfunctining Hard drive or any other Malfunctioning devices (like Malfunctioning Printer, Network Card, Keyboard or Mouse) connected.To resolve slow performance issue you have to either replace or upgrade them which I am gonna talk about later.
While Software issues are the major reasons to make your computer run slow.Software issues could be numerous which make your computer slow for example viruses in your computer, startup items, unwanted softwares, Low disk space , junk files , Malwares , spywares , adwares, Ransomware, browser addon softwares, Bad or outdated driver softwares, Outdated operating system files, Incompatible or outdated software in your computer, Leftover files and registry entries of uninstalled software.So I am gonna talk about all these reasons step by step and the tools used to fix them with description.
After doing all this troubleshooting I guarantee that your computer would definitely run at least 3 times Faster than before .
And this article is also gonna helpful for fellows who are working in a BPO for Tech support Position or who are going to appear for an interview for Tech Support Position.
So I start the troubleshooting with removing Junk and unnecessary files and software from computer to free the precious disk space.
Speed up or Tune up a Slow PC
Step 1. Remove Temporary Files to Tune up computer.
Temporary files, or foo files (.TMP), are files created to temporarily contain information while a new file is being made. It may be created by computer programs for a variety of purposes; principally when a program cannot allocate enough memory for its tasks, when the program is working on data bigger than the architectures address space.It is normally created when working on a program or installing a software.
run the DOS or Windows disk checking programs they can find errors and may write these out as file fragments in .CHK files.
CHK is a file extension for a temporary file format used by WordPerfect for Windows. A CHK file can be created before and in between saves to safeguard data or to recover data after aprogram crash.The CHK file extension is also associated with file fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or ScanDisk.Temp files are typically deleted automatically when the program is closed normally, but if the program quits unexpectedly, the temp files are not deleted.So to delete Temp file first close all the open and running program even exit or stop the Antivirus running then press Windows Logo key+R to open Run dialog box as shown in the picture 6(a).Windows Logo key is Located at the bottom row of your keypad which could be second from left and looks like Windows Flag Logo. Now type %temp% and click okay , Its gonna show all the temporary files so click any one of the files and press CTRL + A to highlight them all and then hit Delete button.Confirm yes you want to delete them all as in the picture 6(b) and they all are gone.Some of the files will not be deleted and will show a message that the action cant be completed as the file is associated or open in a program as in the picture 6(c) so just check do this for all current items and click Skip.and close this window.
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6(a) tune up slow computer |
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6(b)- tune up slow computer |
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6(c)- tune up slow computer |
I am gonna first Laugh before I will write something because I remember the days when I was working as a Technical Support Engineer for one of the reputed Computer Manufacturer.The reason is people used to empty this prefetch folder assuming this will speed up the computer.There is a controversial topic and I believe Microsofts website for these kind of topics.So according to Microsoft prefetch is something as written below.
"Each time you turn on your computer, Windows keeps track of the way your computer starts and which programs you commonly open. Windows saves this information as a number of small files in the prefetch folder. The next time you turn on your computer, Windows refers to these files to help speed the start process."
The prefetch folder is a subfolder of the Windows system folder. The prefetch folder is self-maintaining, and theres no need to delete it or empty its contents. If you empty the folder, Windows and your programs will take longer to open the next time you turn on your computer."
There is NO benefit aside from an absolutely laughable disk space gain of a couple kilobytes, and that is temporary. Do NOT delete the prefetch folder or its contents.
If you already have deleted it unknowingly you better need to build the layout.ini file to speed up the boot process. Yes, The "Layout.ini" file contains list of system programs and files accessed during boot. It, also, contains a list of the most commonly used programs. This allows Windows and Applications to start more quickly. Sometimes, When a Service Pack is installed the layout.ini file fails to rebuild. Even under normal operation the layout.ini file can take up to 72 hours to rebuild.This will impact performance. I like to make sure the layout.ini has been rebuilt before applying any other Service Packs or Updates and I dont want to wait for the OS to do it.
The layout.ini file is located in the "C:WindowsPrefetch" folder.To manually rebuild it: (click) the Start Button >>> Run >>> type-in the following command,
"Rundll32.exe Advapi32.dll, ProcessIdleTasks" >>> OK.
Check the "C:WindowsPrefetch" folder and make sure the file has been rebuilt. An alternative command is "%windir%system32Rundll32.exe Advapi32.dll, ProcessIdleTasks".
The processed result is stored in Layout.ini in the Prefetch directory, and is subsequently passed to the Disk Defragmenter, instructing it to re-order those files into sequential positions on the physical hard drive.
This will further improve performance by minimising the distance that the hard drives heads have to be moved from one file to the next.
It is possible to trigger this re-ordering (by running "Defrag.exe %systemdrive% -b" from the command line) without running a full defragmentation. (click) the Start Button >>> Run >>> type-in the following command, "Defrag %systemdrive% -b" >>> OK, this will run the command as shown in the picture 6(C-1).
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6(C-1)- tune up slow computer |
Step 3. Delete other temporary files using command prompt to speed up your PC.
Here I am referring to all the temp file which could not be deleted from %temp%.So we will be deleting all the .tmp, .temp, .chm, and files starting with tild(~) sign.And to do this you must start command prompt as an administrator.So go to Start search and type CMD look at the top search result it will be CMD,Right click CMD and choose Run As Administrator as shown in the picture 6(d). It will open the black command prompt window with prompt C:Windowssystem32> with a blinking cursor as shown in the picture 6(e).
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6(d)- tune up slow computer |
6(e)- tune up slow computer |
1. C:> del *.temp /s /a
2. C:> del *.chk /s /a
3. C:> del *.tmp /s /a
4. C:> del ~*.* /s /a
5. C:> del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.log
5. C:> del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.log
6. C:> del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.old
7. C:>del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*._mp
8. C:>del /f /s /q %userprofile%Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files*.*
9. C:>del /f /q %userprofile%cookies*.*
10. C:>del /f /s /q %systemdrive%recycled*.*
11. C:>del /f /q %userprofile%recent*.*
12. C:>del /f /s /q %userprofile%Local SettingsTemp*.*
13. C:>del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.gid
Step 4. Delete Index.dat file to Tune up your PC.
Index.dat file is just like index at the end of your book which tells you where to find which information.Whenever you visit a website on the Internet; the address, time of visit, images, scripts, tracking cookies and web page contents are saved to your hard drive. The primary reason Internet Explorer does this is to allow quicker access to the site if you revisit again because the contents can be opened from your computer disk drive rather than downloaded over the Internet a second time. Information about these cache files, cookies and where Internet Explorer can find them on your hard drive is stored in the hidden index.dat file.The problem with Index.dat file is that it is never deleted or resized by itself or by windows and its size keep increasing and its also a privacy threat to your computer.
Clearing the Internet Explorer history by clicking the Clear History button on the General tab in the Internet Options dialog box does not change the size of the Index.dat file. Also, setting the Days to keep pages in history value to 0 (zero) on the General tab does not change the size of the Index.dat file. So it also keeps entry for thole files which are not saved in your computer and was deleted long time ago.IE uses three different types of index.dat files which are Cache index.dat files, history index.dat files and cookies index.dat files.7. C:>del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*._mp
8. C:>del /f /s /q %userprofile%Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files*.*
9. C:>del /f /q %userprofile%cookies*.*
10. C:>del /f /s /q %systemdrive%recycled*.*
11. C:>del /f /q %userprofile%recent*.*
12. C:>del /f /s /q %userprofile%Local SettingsTemp*.*
13. C:>del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.gid
This is gonna delete all the junks and temporary files from your computer.You can simply copy this command and paste it at black command prompt. To.To do this click at the top left hand corner of this command prompt window where you see a tiny c:. logo and then go to Edit and select Paste as shown in the picture below.
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tune up slow computer |
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tune up slow computer |
Index.dat file is just like index at the end of your book which tells you where to find which information.Whenever you visit a website on the Internet; the address, time of visit, images, scripts, tracking cookies and web page contents are saved to your hard drive. The primary reason Internet Explorer does this is to allow quicker access to the site if you revisit again because the contents can be opened from your computer disk drive rather than downloaded over the Internet a second time. Information about these cache files, cookies and where Internet Explorer can find them on your hard drive is stored in the hidden index.dat file.The problem with Index.dat file is that it is never deleted or resized by itself or by windows and its size keep increasing and its also a privacy threat to your computer.
These files are located in C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsCookies/contents/history(In windows 7) and in C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5 or cookies.IE5/history.IE5 (in windows XP).
To delete index.dat file make sure all of your browser is closed, Open Command prompt again as administrator and type command go to C:> prompt and here type command Del index.bat /s /a and hit enter as shown in the picture 6(g).Some of the index.dat file will not be deleted as its protected by logged in user. so you might need to login with a newly created user or login to safe mode with command prompt.![]() |
6(g) tune up slow computer |
It removes Temporary Internet files, Temporary Windows files, Downloaded program files, Recycle Bin, Removal of unused applications or optional Windows components, Setup log files, Off-line files. empties the Recycle Bin, and removes a variety of system files and other items that you no longer need.
To delete files using Disk Cleanup
The following procedure cleans up files associated with your user account as shown in the picture.
- Open Disk Cleanup by clicking the Start button
. In the search box, type Disk Cleanup or Cleanmgr, and then, in the list of results, click Disk Cleanup.
- In the Drives list, click the hard disk drive that you want to clean up, So select c: drive and then click OK.
- In the Disk Cleanup dialog box, on the Disk Cleanup tab, select the check boxes for the file types that you want to delete, and then click OK.
- In the message that appears, click Delete files.
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